Thursday, March 10, 2011

Movie Debut

About a month ago, the Fulbrighters were informed that there would be a film crew coming to Amman to working on making a movie titled "Fulbright Revisited." As far as I know, a wealthy former Fulbrighter left money to make a film documenting how the Fulbright experience changes a person's life. Two commissions were selected to appear in the film. Obviously, the commission here in Jordan was one of the two. I believe the second commission was in Jamaica, but don't hold me to it. So, for about the past week, a crew has been doing interviews and taking footage of Fulbrighters doing various Fulbrighter-ly things in Jordan.

The crew spent a morning at Qasid which is where I made my movie debut. Don't get excited. I was shot having a conversation (that would be talked over) in front of a sign for Qasid. Later, the crew came into our classroom and did some filming there. I don't suspect that much will come of the literary conversation in Arabic that they taped. But, fingers crossed!

While the video might not be out for a while, here are a few snap shots of what the film crew might have picked up:

Rivka, Caryl, Tom (hidden), Ustath Fahdi
Dr. Mohammad is giving us a lesson.
Ilyas's brain hurts.
Craig, Ryan and Leah
Rivka, Carol, Tom (hidden) and Ustath Fahdi
Jamil. Aviators. Arabic.

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